Author: SnakeNP
Blood Flow by Robert Earl Price
Now Available in the Bookstore: Blood Flow is Robert Earl Prices’ fifth volume of poetry. Bloodlines, Blood Elegy, Blues Blood and Wise Blood
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Now AvailablePurchase here: The Road To Hell counts as Calemine’s fourth book on Snake Nation Press. This gritty collection
Continue readingBarbara Passmore
Our dear friend and supporter, Barbara Passmore, has passed away. It is an honor to have known her for these
Continue readingQuestions from a Time of Trouble
What is the mission of a small non-profit press?How can we make a difference in the lives of artists?How do
Continue readingRoberta George in the News
At 80 she published a steamy saga; it’s winning awards–literature/never-too-late-grow/n7MXglGEX5CibI2BL44KCI/?fbclid=IwAR14VImZiXI7T-AwxlaHQUip827yXDb230R8qWSl76dSY5UHMZPhdrN_fmw
Continue readingA Change in the Air
A Change in the Air by Carol Roan The winner of the 2018 Serena McDonald Kennedy Award. A Change in
Continue readingSnake Nation Review Issue 27
Contributors Poetry Claire Babler Salma Banu Richmond Coney Sundar Viignesh J Malavika Kannan Gillian Race William Williford Fiction Anna Wang
Continue readingRoberta George
Roberta George has won the Georgia Author of the Year Award for Literary Fiction for A Day’s Heat. Click here
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Donate to George Aigen’s upcoming documentary about his time in WWII, “Aigen, One Man’s War” so that his story will
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